Tag Archives: Arab Aviation 9th edition concludes

2022 Arab Aviation Summit calls for collaboration between industry players to support the recovery of aviation and tourism

The ninth Arab Aviation Summit (AAS), the region’s leading aviation and tourism industry event at Al Hamra International Exhibition & Conference Centre in Ras Al Khaimah, concluded today on an optimistic note with industry stakeholders expecting the region to demonstrate strong recovery. They underlined the need for greater collaboration and open dialogue between governments, regulators and operators to better support the industry’s recovery. They also highlighted the need for greater investment in technology to respond to changing passenger behaviour, which is shifting towards a preference for a seamless and digital experience. Discussions also centred on the importance of sustainability and the role of the industry in achieving Net Zero carbon emissions. In addition, experts highlighted the role of the tourism as a catalyst for economic development and pandemic recovery in the region, addressing the need to support small and medium-sized businesses moving forward. Under the theme of ‘Roadmap to Recovery’, more than 750 international and local industry experts as well as media representatives gathered to discuss a wide array of aviation and tourism topics spread over the 2-day summit. The first day of the AAS (Feb. 28) hosted industry workshops covering various topics related to regional and international practices across tourism, aviation, airports, and other sectors. The second day of the summit (Mar. 1) featured high-profile industry leaders speaking across panel sessions that discussed the state of air transportation and tourism in the Arab world, and its effect on the global economy. Top aviation and tourism leaders gathered to discuss how airlines are thriving in a post-pandemic world, in addition to sharing new operational models and success stories based on their unique expertise and knowledge. Adel Al Ali, Group CEO …

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